"a “conservative” may have “liberal” feelings toward protecting the environment, but feels instinctively that such a view can only go hand-in-hand with abortion on demand, a confiscatory tax code, softness on crime, and pacifism. Similarly, a “liberal” may find himself with “conservative” sentiments about the unborn’s right to life, but feel somehow that to give play to that inclination must necessarily also include support for profligate military spending, cavalier exploitation of the environment, and execution of the mentally incompetent (when the natural outcome of reactionary, polarized political assessments is seen in stark relief, its sheer absurdity becomes apparent)." Source . I was browsing around for some reading on Political Polarity and its effects on the political system in the US and i came across this, i can't put it in better words then his own. The current political environment is a festering bog of ideologies which the mass media is more then happy t...
Political Commentary, opinion, bullshit