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Patriot Act Extended

Recently the Patriot Act has been extended, and some even asking to make it permanent.  As court cases have shown in the past that this act is entirely unconstitutional and pokes holes in 6 of the Bill of Rights.  But one thing that i did notice over the last few weeks is the Government advising everyone through the media that the US Terror Threat Level is at the highest it has been since 9/11.  Seems to me as this is some classic scare tactics to convince people that this extension of this unconstitutional act is for their own good.

 I am sure later on it will be claimed that because it was extended it kept everyone safe, and i am not entirely sure that it has kept us safe for the almost past 10 years.  Seems that the recent statement by the FBI conducted searches of 40 individuals in its investigation of Anonymous's Internet sit-ins of corporate websites.  Many make the argument of "If you have nothing to hide then this doesn't hurt you".  But to me this is basically Rights "creep", meaning the incremental removal of Citizens Rights of the course of time. 


Bring_Napkins said…
You make a good point. The Government shouldn't have to crack down on our basic electronic rights. Its all a bid to become more and more authoritarian, the likes of which George Orwell himself would find ridiculous.
Sidewayz said…
On another note of that i was reading an article that stated since 9/11 36 terrorist plots were foiled. Does this include the fail plots of the shoe bomber underwear bomber and the NYC retard firework bomber? and how many others have been like this we havent heard about or forgotten. Also the average number of requests per year using the patriot act is 22. Seems like they get it wronge 6 out of 7 times. Seems to me they dont need it as the threat seems to be minimal and the effectiveness isnt there.
mtn said…
Since I'm not living in the US I'm not that familiar with whats happening terror related in America. Did you have any averted terrorist acts in the last few years? are there even serious terrorist threads? and i don't mean the usual al-quaida jabbajabba in their videos. more like indications that there was something planned etc.
Sidewayz said…
2 that i can think of the underwear bomber and shoe bomber, got onto the plane but the bomb didnt go off just ended up burning their testes and their feet. The one last year the guy drove a car into NYC and filled it with some propane tanks gas and fireworks, but left the car running in times square and someone called it in as it was illegally parked.
D. said…
I think this is good, because the safety of civilians will increase
Rose said…
good. about time this happened
Dr. Grim said…
i hope that this act won't become permanent, even though i don't live in the US, i think that it might set example for other countries to follow
Nice one america, i want that over here too
NoMoreTrouble said…
Feels so bad, I just don't feel like it's keeping us any safer. I liked it at the time it was introduced but it has trampled on so many of our rights.
Rondariel said…
Guilty until proven innocent. The worst kind of system. The same is happening in most other western countries though. Having our freedoms taken away for the sake of security. Land of the free and brave and all that...
Brendan said…
if it keeps us safe..
Damian said…
I think it is a dangerous walk between safety and freedom
Zakk said…
I've been reading your blog and I like it :) I'll be following for sure!
Jim said…
It certainly is a dangerous prospect.

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