The recent developments in Wisconsin i think requires a bit of attention. Wisconsin is proposing a bill that will remove some of the collective bargaining ability of the Public Unions for the state. Along with a change to Pensions which many are funded solely by the state government and a reduction in Health Benefits. This is in response to closing a $167 million budget gap, and the estimate is quoted as being the equivalent to a 8% pay cut for government employees. This is the solution brought forth as opposed to laying off 8% of Public Sector Employees to reach the same target savings.
Prior to this i haven't considered my own opinion on unions so i decided to do a little reading and research here at work on my lunch break. I ended at the conclusion that unions had run their useful course in terms of winning the war of workers rights. With the passage of Federal and State minimum wage laws, child labor laws and workers safety regulations. But at this point the unions have become their own worse enemies with their stranglehold on many industries in the US. Unionized employees on average earn 28% more then their nonunion counterparts, which is great but it begs the question if this wage disparity is forcing the non unionized workers wages lower because of this.
From the business perspective on unions, they force the business into union contracts that limit the flexibility in response to market conditions. Along with the higher average wages paid out to the unions the bossiness is then forced to raise costs of goods or face closing down completely. It also leaves the Business in some instances to seek production facilities outside of the US Borders.
Knowing this i cant support Unions for their stranglehold on many business and state governments, but also on the hold it has on the employees that are forced into a union and to pay into the monthly union dues. Over the next few years i think we will see more instances of state governments putting more pressure on public sector employees and unions in order to cut costs on their yearly budgets.
Prior to this i haven't considered my own opinion on unions so i decided to do a little reading and research here at work on my lunch break. I ended at the conclusion that unions had run their useful course in terms of winning the war of workers rights. With the passage of Federal and State minimum wage laws, child labor laws and workers safety regulations. But at this point the unions have become their own worse enemies with their stranglehold on many industries in the US. Unionized employees on average earn 28% more then their nonunion counterparts, which is great but it begs the question if this wage disparity is forcing the non unionized workers wages lower because of this.
From the business perspective on unions, they force the business into union contracts that limit the flexibility in response to market conditions. Along with the higher average wages paid out to the unions the bossiness is then forced to raise costs of goods or face closing down completely. It also leaves the Business in some instances to seek production facilities outside of the US Borders.
Knowing this i cant support Unions for their stranglehold on many business and state governments, but also on the hold it has on the employees that are forced into a union and to pay into the monthly union dues. Over the next few years i think we will see more instances of state governments putting more pressure on public sector employees and unions in order to cut costs on their yearly budgets.
Nurses, Teachers, and other employees that need unions, are ok.
I'm glad I read this so I can realize what's going on now.