This fuel tanker the Stena Immaculate isn't just a regular old tanker. It is one of the 10 that the US military operate under its Tanker Security Program. This will put US refueling operations for the US Navy in jeopardy.
At the time the ship was anchored waiting to offload 220k barrels of Aviation Gas off the coast of the UK. The ship SOLONG is a 8K Ton Freighter packed with sodium cyanide that breached the hull of the Stena setting both ships on fire. They were both abandoned by crew. One crew member of Solong is missing and its captain has been charged with manslaughter. The captain is a Russian National.
Reports that the Solong was traveling at 16 knots at full speed into the anchored Stena Immaculate. Reports from a crew member that the Solong was at full throttle at the time and pushed the Stena 400 meters after impact.