Trump has began his constitutional over reach and has attempted to claim war time powers from congress when no war exists. This i an attempt to deport a specific gang from Venezuela Tren de Aragua, though i have never personally have herd this gang discussed previously. It is kinda odd that it isn't MS13 or Mexican cartels.
Trump has taken up El Salvador on their offer to house prisoners for the US. Though why not send them to Venezuela instead of paying El Salvador is odd to say the least. The Administration ignored Judges orders to block the deportation but the plane left anyway. Will the Judicial Branch finally curb this rouge actor that is sitting in the Oval Office.
The deportation happened despite the no supporting evidence or trials that these people sent to El Salavador even committed a crime. If any of them sent happen to be American Citizens this will be a direct violation of that US citizens 8th amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment.
If you do not see this action as authoritarian or Nazi adjacent then you haven' read many history books. This a very dangerous over reach off power an defing of court orders that would normally get a president impeached.
Welcome to the New Hitlerland